Pod Casts

Garrod's Pads

What are Garrod’s pads?

Garrod’s pads are small lumps that appear on the back of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the fingers.  They are associated with Dupuytren’s contracture but can also occur from repetitive trauma and are sometimes known to occur in the hands of violinists.

Why do Garrod’s pads occur?

The etiology of Garrod’s pads is not well understood, but it may be related to mechanical or repetitive trauma in adults. In children the lesions can be caused by biting or sucking.

Do Garrod’s pads need to be treated?

Garrod’s pads do not need to be treated unless they cause functional problems such as pain or are repeatedly traumatised while using the hand. 

What does the treatment of Garrod’s pads involve?

Garrod’s pads can be removed surgically by excising a small area of skin above the pads along with the underlying tissue that forms the lump. This tissue sometimes infiltrates the extensor tendon and therefore has to be removed carefully.

Do I need any aftercare following excision of Garrod’s pads?

Following excision of Garrod’s pads the finger may need to be splinted for a short period of time to allow the incisions to heal.  You may need to see a hand therapist to regain full mobility in the long term. 

Back to Dupuytren's contracture

To this day I still believe it was the best decision I have ever made, My operation has totally changed my life and turned it around, I can wear any top I like with or without a bra and it actually feels good. I’ve definitely got my feminine side back.


Sincere thanks go to all patients that grant their permissions for us to display their photographs.

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