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Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation

Breast enlargement (augmentation) is a frequently performed procedure to correct hypoplasia (underdevelopment of breasts) or ptosis (droopy breasts).

Why do women seek surgery to enlarge their breasts?

Women whose breasts are abnormally small often say that they do not feel feminine and are ashamed of the boyish appearance of their chests. They are unable to wear underclothes or swimwear of their choice and inhibited about going out on beach holidays or swimming , as they feel self-conscious whilst wearing evening wear or strappy summer clothes. Women feel a lack of confidence in their work environment and in their personal relationships and therefore wish to have surgery to correct this problem. Most women who have had children and have breast-fed or have lost significant weight are unhappy about the loss of volume and emptiness in the upper part of the breast.

Can I choose the cup size that I want?

It is advisable to discuss with your surgeon what is a reasonable size in terms of your height and body shape and your expectations before you undergo surgery. It is not possible to predict with absolute accuracy the cup size that an individual patient is likely to be after this procedure. Your surgeon will endeavour to give you a result appropriate for your height and build, while keeping your preferences in mind.

What does the operation involve?

Breast enlargement is performed under general anaesthetic and may involve one or two nights stay in hospital. With some patients it may be possible to carry out the procedure as a day case. A tube drain is inserted into each breast to remove any blood fluid that may have collected around the implant. This tube drain is normally removed within 24 to 48 hours and the patient is allowed home in a supportive soft brassiere.

Following surgery there is some discomfort, which is more than adequately treated by painkillers. The breast can be bruised and swollen and appears larger in the first few days after surgery than the eventual size. In approximately six weeks the swelling and bruising settles to a large extent and the final shape of the breast becomes evident.

What is the normal post-operative course?

A small dressing is applied to the suture line in the crease underneath the breast. Most patients are able to shower and change the dressing themselves everyday at home. An outpatient appointment is made for removal of sutures approximately one week after surgery. A review appointment is usually offered one to three months after the operation.

What level of activity can be carried out in the weeks following the operation?

For the first couple of weeks patients can experience discomfort while lifting weights or stretching the arms above the head. It is advisable to have help around the house and with young children during this period. The majority of patients are quite comfortable and able to return to work within two to three weeks after surgery. It is usually possible to return to normal exercise schedules including gym, aerobics and swimming four to six weeks after surgery.

What specific issues should be discussed in the preoperative consultation?

Your surgeon will discuss the different shapes and types of implants that are available to you. You will be informed as to whether the implant will be placed above or below the pectoral muscle in the chest and what the long-term implications of having a breast implant would be in. Such problems may include capsule formation, leaks and ruptures, future mammograms, implications for pregnancy and breast-feeding and the possibility of revision surgery in the future.

You will need another appointment about 2 weeks prior to your surgery, at no further cost, to have any questions answered following you first consultation and for this you are welcome to bring a relative or friend.

What are the complications of this procedure?

Breast enlargement surgery can have complications just like any other surgical procedure. These include bleeding, haematoma (blood clot under the skin or in the substance of the breast ), infection, visible scar, asymmetry, loss of sensation in the nipple and long-term problems such as capsule formation, leaks or ruptures.

Very rarely does an implant have to be removed due to a severe infection following surgery. If this happens the breast is allowed to settle and a new implant is put in three to six months after the operation.

What are the guarantees about the lifespan of an implant?

No implant manufacturer guarantees an implant for life but 10 to 15 years is considered a reasonable timeframe for implant survival. Patients are invited to return for an annual review to check the integrity of the implant and for significant capsule formation. If there is a suspicion of a leak or rupture the surgeon may advise you to have an MRI scan or an ultrasound examination to check on the integrity of the implant.

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My breasts settled very quickly and I was extremely happy with the results. They ended up being almost exactly the size I wanted. I went back to see Mr. Sood three months later and he confirmed everything was fine and going how he wanted.


Diary of a Tubular Breast Augmentation

“I am the baby of my family. I watched as my two older sisters grew up and became women. They both had big breasts and just assumed that I would too, when puberty came around. But I never seemed to grow. It got to the point where I was so self-conscious that I would never leave the house without a gel bra and two sets of padding. It was not just that they were small, they were also extremely pointy and one was noticeably bigger than the other. As I became older, I started to feel worse about my breasts. Holidays involved gel bikinis and relationships involved bras always being kept on. I decided enough was enough and after finally turning 18, an augmentation seemed the only way forward. I never had any doubt in having my augmentation. I knew that I was doing it for myself and that my mind was one hundred percent made up in this was the way forward. I conducted a lot of research on the internet, but my decision was finally made when I met Mr Sood.

My consultation

At my initial consultation he told me that I had tubular-shaped breasts and that if I decided to go for the operation he could make my breasts even with different sized implants. I insisted to him that I wanted to end up a DD but he said that in all honesty being in proportion – and looking natural – was more important than just picking a size. Mr Sood does not encourage placing implants into a bra and letting them be tried on, as he believes that it does not give an accurate measurement. Instead, he measured my chest so that the width and height of the implants would be able to fit. I had my implants in front of the muscle as Mr Sood advised that this would be the best way to eradicate the shape I hated so much. The scars would also be underneath. He was also extremely honest about the types of implants out there, particularly as regards the debate between silicon and saline implants.

The operation

The morning of May 26th I got up to go to the hospital. I was not nervous, as I knew that this was the right decision and that I was in the hands of a more than competent surgeon. Shortly after my arrival at the hospital, which I found to be very clean and comfortable, I was shown to my own private room. Mr Sood then came to see me and explained to me what was happening and how he would do the operation. I had to stand up and he then proceeded to mark my chest with pen. When it was time to go under my Mum was allowed to escort me down to the theatre. Mr Sood came and spoke to me one last time before I was put under.

Waking up from the operation I remember looking down straight away, I was so excited. Mr. Sood did not use drains to take the fluid away as he felt they could cause more problems and I could not feel much pain. I was bandaged with a strap, which had a Velcro bit down the front so that it could easily be taken off. It was basically like a giant Tubigrip and underneath my scars had been bandaged so that the stitches were not on show. We had previously bought a support bra so that I would have as much support as possible after the operation.

After the operation

There is one thing I must say that I don’t think people realise at first and still don’t realise even after it is explained to them. When I had my implants put in they were put high in the chest so that they would settle over time, when the swelling goes down the implants move down as the well this is down gradually and you will barely notice until the scars are sitting underneath. I was not prepared for my implants to be that far up but after I was explained again why, I was not worried. I knew Mr Sood had enough experience. I was advised to keep my strap on to protect my boobs and it would also help the swelling go down and the implant to move slowly into the intended position. I was lucky as when I woke I barely felt any pain and was able to move about freely, getting myself up off the bed. I was in such little pain that the nurses told me off for moving around when I should have been resting. I was allowed to leave the hospital the next day.

I was very conscious of leaving the strap on and to not do anything that could cause problems but being in such little pain made this difficult cause it was like I had no warning sign. I had no problems after the initial operation and was not disappointed with the results. After two weeks I visited Mr Sood’s nurse who removed my stitches and taught me how to massage my breast so that capsular contracture would not happen. I was also taught how to massage my scars to help them heal and stop them becoming lumpy or puffy.


My breasts settled very quickly and I was extremely happy with the results. They ended up being almost exactly the size I wanted. I went back to see Mr Sood three months later and he confirmed that everything was fine and going how he wanted. I now have annual checks with Mr Sood and he takes pictures so that I can compare them as time goes on and also checks them for lumps and to make sure that the implant is fine. I have now had them for over two years and not had a single problem or any pain from them. I have suffered from loss of feeling in certain areas but this was to be expected, I was warned this could happen and independent research also brought this fact to my attention. This seems like nothing to me though as I am so happy with my breast implants and feel like my life has been changed. I am a lot more confident and because they are so in proportion no one has ever guessed that they are not real. My scars are settling down nicely and are becoming less apparent everyday. I am very happy with the result and would recommend Mr Sood to anyone.”


My breasts settled very quickly and I was extremely happy with the results. They ended up being almost exactly the size I wanted. I went back to see Mr. Sood three months later and he confirmed everything was fine and going how he wanted.


Sincere thanks go to all patients that grant their permissions for us to display their photographs.

Bilateral Breast Augmentation

Bilateral Breast Augmentation for Asymmetry

Breast Augmentation for Breast Ptosis

Breast Augmentation for Tubular Breasts

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